Cool new tools and features
Great news! My website got a complete make-over with enhanced browsing functionality, a brand-new search feature, faster performance, and a SSL certificate for improved security. One of my favorite new elements is the distinctive eBook and paperback columns under Buy The Book for your shopping convenience. You no longer have to click on a vendor to find out in which formats a book is available. It’s summarized right underneath the book cover and blurb, making buying easier and faster. Also, when clicking on Amazon, you will automatically be taken to your Amazon country site, whether it be US, UK, CA, AU, etc. Something else I’m very excited about is the search feature. You can now find a book by simply typing the title in the Search field. Alternatively, you can scroll through the menu bar, or click on the cover in the graphic roll bar at the top.
I hope you’ll hang around and explore some of the cool tools, such as downloading an excerpt, sending me a review or message via the contact form, and finding the book you’re looking for in seconds via the search feature. Browsing my books has never been faster, easier, or more user-friendly. While you’re here, don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter (the subscription box is on the right-hand side of each web page). My subscribers never miss out on a new release, and they’re always the first to know about super discounts and great giveaways. If you’d like to send feedback, comments, questions, or suggestions, you can type a comment or use my contact form on the Contact page. If we’re not yet connected on social media, be sure to check out my links in the bottom bar. I’m looking forward to staying in touch.
Enjoy your visiting experience!